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OAGI (Open Applications Group, Inc.)

OAGI stands for Open Applications Group, Inc. was founded in 1994 placed at Marietta, Georgia. The Open Applications Group Inc. is a nonprofit consortium of software vendors and businesses created to develop and define XML based interoperability specifications and standards among enterprise scale applications.  It was formed by a small number of business enterprise software companies and organizations and has grown to more than sixty members companies. Its members have created a framework for business software application interoperability and have developed a repeatable process for quickly developing high quality business content and it’s XML representations. OAGI had focused on building reusable, interoperable XML messages. It had created the XML message methodology on which STAR standards, called BODs (Business Object Documents) are based on. Open Applications Group had released OAGIS Version 8.0 Using Core XML Technologies.   Mission of OAGI   :             Red


Nagware is a software utility that adds users into upgrading or buying a premium version of software by sending constant pop-up messages or notifications.   It is a marketing tactic used by software developers in order to remind users to take advantage of special offers and purchase software. Nagware is also known as begware , annoyware , nagscreen and guiltware . It is built into commercial software that periodically prompts the user to register the product. Nagware is commonly used with  shareware  programs which have been downloaded for trial use. It keeps the message up for a certain time period, forcing the user to continue using the program. 


Two MAC are declared below :- 1.    A MAC is an address of a device which stands for media access control address . It is a uniquely identified address assigned to a  network interface controller  ( NIC ) for communications at the  data link layer  of a network segment. MAC addresses are used as a  network address  by many  IEEE 802  network technologies, including  Ethernet ,  Wi-Fi  and  Bluetooth . A  network node  may have multiple NICs where each NIC contains a unique MAC address. They are used in the  medium access control  protocol sublayer. MAC addresses are represented as six groups of two  hexadecimal  digits, separated by hyphens, colons, or no separator. A MAC address is also known as burned-in address (BIA), Ethernet hardware address (EHA), hardware address or physical address. MAC addresses are assigned by the manufacturer of a NIC and are stored in its hardware, like ROM or some other  firmware  mechanism. A manufacturer's  organizationally unique i

L1 Cache Memory

The  Level 1 cache is the fastest cache memory on the CPU which is used for temporary storage of instructions and data organized in blocks of 32 bytes. L1 cache is also known as Primary cache which is the fastest form of storage, because it is built in to the chip with a zero wait-state (delay) interface to the processor’s execution unit. L1 cache is limited in size. It is used to store data (critical files that need to be executed immediately) as it is the first cache to be accessed and processed when the processor itself performs a computer instruction. The Intel’s P55 MMX processor , launched in 1997, was in size of its Level 1 cache to 32KB. The AMD K6 and Cyrix M2 chips launched later in that year, provided Level 1 caches of 64KB. 64KB remained the standard L1 cache size. In recent microprocessors, the L1 cache is divided equally into two cache : one cache to keep program data and another cache to keep instructions for the microprocessor. On other hand, some older


The kilobyte is the measurement unit for    digital information , which internationally   is symbolized as KB . According to   International System of Units  (SI)  , Kilo-  is the prefix means 1000 so it is commonly considered as 1 kilobyte = 1000 bytes, but in Information technology’s areas in reference to digital memory capacity, 1 kilobyte = 1024 bytes   . It was once common to find Hard disks, Magnetic storage media, Processor cache size , SD memory chip , an iPhone memory chip capacity and  RAM  capacities measured in terms of kilobytes, but the larger  megabyte  has now become a more prominent capacity. Kilobytes are often used to measure the small  files size .  For example, thumbnail images use only 5 to 10 KB of space. A larger JPEG  image of 900x600 pixel can take up to 250 KB of space. Text files often are less than 1KB. While some files contain less than 4 KB data, as in modern file systems such as  NTFS   (Windows) and  HFS+   (Mac) have a  cluster


Here two different Jabber is discussed :- 1.      In networks, a Jabber is any device that is handling electrical signals improperly, usually affecting the rest of the network. In an  Ethernet  network, the devices compete for use of the line, attempting to send a signal and then retrying in the event where someone else tried at the same time. It is a device that is always sending, and effectively bringing the network to a halt. It is generally the result of a bad network interface card.  Jabber is a continuous stream of random data transmitted over a network as the result of some malfunction. 2.      Jabber is the technology that was an open-source XML -based  instant messaging  platform, design for instant messaging and digital communications. It works in similar way as e-mail, using a distributed architecture. It adds a suffix to each address after "@" sign (for instance user@msn) like an  e-mail  addressing system. This enables a Jabber server to read